We offer a wide range of services to meet every patients needs.
Glaucoma - halos, eye pain
Scheduling regular comprehensive eye exams that check for glaucoma is essential to long-term vision health
Dry Eyes and BlephEx Treatment
BlephEx® is an FDA approved, in-office procedure to treat blepharitis and reduce dry eye symptoms.
Macular Degeneration
We diagnosis and monitor patients with age-related macular degeneration.
Prescribe Glasses
Selecting the right eyeglass lens depends heavily on your prescription and its function.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery is used to smooth the eyelids, remove bulging or wrinkled tissues, and create a more natural and refreshed appearance.
Cataract Surgery
Our laser-assisted cataract surgery solutions and proven, advanced lens implants have made a positive impact on the lives of people just like you through the priceless gift of clear, natural vision.